Upcoming events and annoucements at the NACC
See NACC bulletin board for current fitness schedule (PDF)
(Become a fan: Events, Updates & Health Tips)
A reminder message for NACC after hours usage. No one under the age of 18 is to be in the NACC after hours without an adult family key card member. Also, do not let anyone that does not have an active membership a key card.
We are having instances of people being in the NACC after hours that are either minors or not a member. These are breaking key card agreeements.
Therefore, per your membership and key card agreement, if it is found that you in violation of the agreement:
1st Violation: Verbal Warning
2nd Violation: Revocation of your key card
3rd Violation: Termination of your membership
Thank you.
NACC Board and Management
Yoga for Healthy Living
Mondays at the NACC 9a - 10a
Free Will Donation asked
Cribbage Club
WHEN: Fridays 1-3p
COST: $1 per person per week
MORE INFO: Contact Shiree Jensen 402-740-6355
The first Thursdays of each month @ 10a, the NACC will have monthly Dementia Caregivers Support. There will be a different topic each month.
WHEN: Starting Thursday, 5/20/2021 NOON-3 PM
HOW MUCH: Free w/membership or daily fee of $3 for seniors, $5 for adults, $3 for youth
Bring your own paddle and balls
Staffed Business Hours (Beg 5/31/22)
Mon-Fri 7:30a - 6:00p
Saturday 8:00a - Noon
**Keycard access is 24/7
21 and Under Daily Rate $3.00
Adult Daily Rate $5.00
Senior (60+) Daily Rate $3.00
Coming to the NACC in March 2021:
Renew Active™, the gold standard in Medicare fitness programs for body and mind, is coming to the NACC in March. The program is available at no additional cost with UnitedHealthcare® Medicare plans. In the meantime, you can learn more at UHCRenewActive.com.
The keyless entry has been installed and is up and running. You can now access the NACC 24/7! We will issue 1 card per family. There will be an one time fee of $15.00 for members who do not pay by auto withdrawal or yearly, and for lost or stolen cards.
Effective Immediately:
We are no longer following school snow day closures. Please check facebook or call to see if we are open. Thank You.
Neola Lions Club News:
WEBSITE: Neola Lions E-Clubhouse
EMAIL: neolalionsclub@yahoo.com
Meetings 1st and 3rd Saturdays 730 AM
Fitness Classes free for members
Check NACC for most current classes
Click to see more info (pdf format) or go to Fitness Classes
To help support the Youth sports events at the NACC, there will be a $2.00 adult entry fee to attend youth sporting events.
Small concession items will be available during youth sporting events as well.
Thank your for your support!
New contact at Senior Center. Please contact Pat Allmon at 712-485-2179 (Hours 10 AM - 1 PM) Please call before 10:30 AM to order your meal for the next day.
Lunch Menu
Click for menu (PDF)
Contact Senior Center at 485-2179 for reservations.
See the Senior Center page for more details.
See Events in Main Section
Mondays 9a-10a
Cribbage Club
WHEN: Fridays 1-3p
COST: $1 per person MORE INFO: Contact Shiree Jensen 402-740-6355
Dementia Caregiver Support
The first Thursdays of each month @10am, the NACC will have monthly Dementia Caregivers Support. There will be a different topic each month.
Thursday Pickleball League
WHEN: Starting 5/20/21. Noon-3pm
HOW MUCH: Free w/membership or daily fee of $3 for seniors, $5 for adults, $3 for youth
Bring your own paddle and balls
Renew Active
Renew Active™, the gold standard in Medicare fitness programs for body and mind, is coming to the NACC in March. The program is available at no additional cost with UnitedHealthcare® Medicare plans. In the meantime, you can learn more at UHCRenewActive.com.
NACC Staffed Hours
Mon-Fri 7:30a - 6:00p
Saturday 8:00a - Noon
Sunday Closed
**Keycard access is 24/7
Keyless Entry
The keyless entry has been installed and is up and running. You can now access the NACC 24/7! We will issue 1 card per family. There will be an one time fee of $15.00 for members who do not pay by auto withdrawal or yearly, and for lost or stolen cards.
See NACC for most current schedules
Contact the NACC for more information
Progressive New Fitness Sessions
See NACC bulletin board for current fitness schedule (PDF)
See NACC for most current schedule
Upcoming Senior Events
Contact Senior Center at 485-2179 for reservations.
See the Senior Center page
Coming to the NACC in March 2021:
Renew Active™, the gold standard in Medicare fitness programs for body and mind, is coming to the NACC in March. The program is available at no additional cost with UnitedHealthcare® Medicare plans. In the meantime, you can learn more at UHCRenewActive.com.
Copyright 2020 Neola Area Community Center. All rights reserved.